يقدم لكم موقع إقرأ أفضل تعبير عن قرار اتخذته في حياتي بالانجليزي ، و تعبير عن حدث مهم في حياتك بالانجليزي قصير ، و تعبير عن موقف مؤثر في حياتك بالانجليزي طويل ، و موضوع عن تجربة قمت بها بالانجليزي ، و تعبير عن موقف غريب بالانجليزي قصير ، و تعبير عن تجربة سيئة بالانجليزي ، و تعبير بالانجليزي عن مشكلة حصلت لك وحلها ، فالمواقف المؤثرة تحدث للجميع بلا إستثناء، ولكنها تختلف من شخص لآخر لأنها أحيانًا تكون في بعض الأحوال جيدة وفي الأحوال الأخرى تكون سيئة.

تعبير عن قرار اتخذته في حياتي بالانجليزي

تعبير عن حدث مهم في حياتك بالانجليزي هو موضوع يجب ان تكتبه بصيغة المتكلم ويمكنك ان تذكر فيه تجربة اوحدث حقيقي وقع لك او لشخص اخر ، كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن قرار اتخذته في حياتي بالانجليزي .

تعبير عن قرار اتخذته في حياتي بالانجليزي
تعبير عن قرار اتخذته في حياتي بالانجليزي

When I was a student in the stage …… I was an ordinary student not so distinguished ,and in the class of mathematics the teacher gave us a mathematical issue needs thinking and intelligence to get to the right solution.

And I said to myself that I will try and think well in the way to solve.And all the students tried to solve it also, but they despair at the first difficulty encountered.

I tried many times till I found the right solution, and then the teacher praised me a beautiful praise, which gave me great confidence in myself and strong faith in my abilities.

So I became the perfect student in my school and all my teachers praised me. I excelled in all subjects and get the final grades and always ranked first, Mathematics has become my favorite subject.

After my success in high school with excellence, I started thinking well about enrolling in the Faculty of Engineering and obtaining the highest degrees in my field of specialization.

And I set my goal to be a skilled engineer and famous at the local and international level to offer to my country and to people everywhere big projects that benefit them and facilitate their life.

Thanks to my teacher who praised me and gave me great confidence in my abilities,it made me love science and love excellence and make every effort to get the highest grades.

قد يهمك :

تعبير عن حدث مهم في حياتك بالانجليزي قصير

نموذج تعبير عن حدث مهم في حياتك بالانجليزي قصير :

When I was in high school, I was an ordinary student and I was not distinguished.

One day in the mathematics class presented to the teacher a mathematical issue somewhat difficult, you need to think about it deeply until the correct solution is reached.

In this situation, I told myself that I will think about this issue and solve it, no matter how long it took to solve it, and all students have also tried to solve it, but they are desperate to solve it because of the difficulty of the issue, I also tried more than once because the issue was very difficult, but I did not despair and tried more times until I solved it.

This matter made the teacher liked me very much and praised me beautifully, and this gave me great confidence in myself and made my faith in myself increase.

This made me the ideal student in the school, and all the teachers in the school praised me.

This matter encouraged me more to excel in all subjects and to obtain final grades in all subjects, so I became in the first place and mathematics has become one of my favorite subjects.

After my high school success with distinction, I started to think about joining the College of Engineering, and my goal was to get the highest degrees in my specialty in this College.

My goal was to be a famous engineer and skilled at the international and local levels and create many important and large projects in order to benefit and facilitate people’s lives.

This was all due to the praise of my teacher who gave me great confidence in my abilities, which made me love science more and did my best to be able to get the highest score.

تعبير عن موقف مؤثر في حياتك بالانجليزي طويل

نموذج تعبير عن موقف مؤثر في حياتك بالانجليزي طويل :

This happened a few years ago. I remember I was nine years old and it was a hot day Firstly, I and my family went to Prades to spend a week surrounded by nature Furthermore, it was summer and we were on holidays and therefore we have a lot of free time

Secondly, we decided to go to the mountains. We could see incredible views from the top of the mountains. We were taking photos and ceiling and resting on the grass. After that, suddenly started to rain and we had to run until the base camp but we were alone and we lost so we were afraid

Whereas my little sister was crying I’m smiling and dancing in the rain Finally, we found our village. In spite of all, we spend a great time because we could see the amazing sunrise before stated to rain After all, it was an incredible experience as a adventurers Of course we would like to do again the same route as soon as we can and i remember We had an indoor Pomeranian for a while when I was in middle school.

I guess one day I left homework papers on the coffee table, which is literally right next to the couch, and I later was greeted to shreds of paper. To keep me from getting in any trouble or for people thinking I was telling an obvious lie, my father had to go to the school that morning and tell them that the dog really ate my homework. He told me they laughed at him for at least a minute

My sister and I decided to make this cake where we needed eggs and peanut butter. So we got eggs in a normal supermarket and then went to find organic peanut butter in the wholefood shop, which is a small locally owned business where everyone can see all the stupid things you do.

They’d put the peanut butter in a different place for some reason and we were crouching down trying to find it. It took maybe a couple of minutes of this before I realised I had been crouching directly on the eggs, which were now a sticky swamp oozing towards the shelves where they threatened to contaminate the vegan products. I approached the one on-duty shop assistant, a taciturn man my parents know vaguely, and asked him for something to clean up with. Rather grumpily, I thought, he brought me an old newspaper.

My sister and I began to soak up the eggs with the newspaper as best we could, and went back to the guy to ask for a bin. No bin – we had to carry the dripping paper across the shop to dispose of it outside.

Finally, wishing that sticky no-longer-vegan floor would swallow us whole we lined up to pay for the peanut butter. No sooner had my sister handed over the money than she dropped the glass jar and watched it shatter, liberating 500ml of crushed peanuts and oil to join what was left of the eggs

موضوع عن تجربة قمت بها بالانجليزي

نموذج موضوع عن تجربة قمت بها بالانجليزي :

I finished the school year , I and my sister were successful in the exam and we got excellent grades, and my father wanted to give us a bonus to encourage us to always be the best in our study.

My father suggested some names of tourist countries in Europe to spend the summer vacation and enjoy the beautiful tourist places and we agreed to travel to France, especially the city of Paris because it is famous for beauty and elegance and fashion houses and famous tourist places such as the Eiffel Tower and Street The lively Champs Elysées, the Arc de Triomphe and other beautiful tourist spots.

The city of Paris is also famous for its hotels with distinctive architectural style and restaurants serving all kinds of Western and Oriental food, There are also a lot of entertainment such as cinemas, theaters, and more.

At the appointed time everyone prepared and we boarded the car and we went to the airport filled with happiness, and think of the beautiful times that we will spend in Paris and the fashion that we will buy from the latest brands where there are famous fashion houses.

I was driving the car and I felt that we might be late for the scheduled time at the airport and I drove quickly, which led to an accident and my leg was broken and my sister was injured in the head, which made us move to the hospital in the ambulance.

The doctor advised my sister to undergo surgery, while I was prevented from moving for two months and the summer vacation ended and I was still in the hospital to complete my treatment.

But I learned from this position to be more careful and to take into account the rules of the right driving and never change it, no matter what the reasons.

تعبير عن موقف غريب بالانجليزي قصير

نموذج تعبير عن موقف غريب بالانجليزي قصير :

The Mary Celeste The ghost ship, as some like to call it, was a merchant ship wandering in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and was found in 1872 completely intact and none of those on board were found, and the ship’s lifeline was not found, and despite that the ship sailed alone without any accident exposed To him, the strange thing is that her cargo was found completely and the valuables were completely inside, which negates any suspicion that she was exposed to piracy.

The secret so far is still mysterious, and several theories and explanations have emerged, but all of them have not found evidence for what he says Some have attributed this to the abduction of aliens, while the most likely scenario is that an unexpected storm or earthquake caused the ship to swing strongly, which led to the rapid evacuation. From the ship then everyone drowned in sea water.

تعبير عن تجربة سيئة بالانجليزي

نموذج تعبير عن تجربة سيئة بالانجليزي :

bad day. When he woke up, he did not hear it because he was sleeping soundly. When he woke up, it was already 8 o’clock and so he was very late He got up very quickly and took a shower. He got dressed, he shaved but he did not have time to have breakfast.

When he left home, it was sunny. Normally, it takes ten minutes to walk to the train station but that day, as it hurried, it arrived in less than 5 minutes Lack of luck, there was a transport strike. He phoned his office to explain the situation.

Finally, he arrived an hour late, and his boss was furious. In the evening arriving home, he realized he had forgotten his keys. He waited for his wife for two hours. No, really that day, Jacques would have done better to stay in bed.

تعبير بالانجليزي عن مشكلة حصلت لك وحلها

نموذج تعبير بالانجليزي عن مشكلة حصلت لك وحلها :

Students are often exposed to problems during the study stage especially since during adolescence many changes occur in social life and internal motives. A teenager who has the freedom to do anything he wants may tend to lose self-discipline and balance between study activities and external life, and in the first year of High School I thought I couldn’t finish that stage of school, as I was too busy with the social life around me.

I thought that childhood was already over, and that it was time for me to live the life of teenagers to the fullest, and I was afraid that my adolescence would end as my childhood ended without doing everything I wanted, and this made me come to the point of living it excessively.

I was in my early teens, and then I started walking and taking more interest in my social life than my school obligations, and my mother faced great difficulties in trying to straighten my thinking, and it made me realize that this stage is the stage of study more than anything else, but this did not work.

While what made me realize my mistake was the results of my bad actions, I learned the lesson from it well, I had failed some of my exams that year, because I had joined the volleyball team and cheerleading team, which made me not have enough time to attend and follow the lessons

and therefore I did not I was able to succeed, so I resorted to attending private lessons after school, and this is what made me unable to practice my social life as I wanted, and I was in a state of lack of discipline and balance between my school, sports, and my social life, and this is what caused me to feel depressed,

And then I realized that the right thing to do was to give priority to school and study, and on weekends I go for a walk with my friends and besides this I only participate in one sports activity instead of two, and I understood that a person learns from his previous mistakes, so the next year I corrected those I got high marks in my studies, but I didn’t neglect my social life either.