يعرض لكم موقع إقرأ أقوى قصة خيالية بالانجليزي ، و قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي للاطفال ، و قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن المغامرات ، و قصة بالانجليزي قصيرة وسهلة عن الكذب ، و قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الأمل ، و قصة خيالية عن الفضاء باللغة الانجليزية ، كثيراً ما يطلب من طلاب المدارس كتابة قصص باللغة الإنجليزية أو لغات أخرى. خاصة أن هذا يوضح للمعلم أو المعلمة قدرة الطالب وتمكنه من اللغة لكي يصحح له الأخطاء التي يقع بها. لكن القصص الخيالية أو القصص بشكل عام يمكن أخذ منها عبره وموعظة تفيدنا فيما نمر به في حياتنا. والآن نتعرف علىقصة خيالية بالانجليزي بكلمات وعبارات راقية وجميلة جداً.

قصة خيالية بالانجليزي

تعد اللغة الانجليزية من اوسع لغات العالم انتشارا مما جعل الاقبال على تعلمها في تزايد مستمر ومن الجدير بالذكر ان اللغة الانجليزية يتحدثها مئات الملايين في انحاء المعمورة بحيث اصبحت لغة التواصل الاولى في العالم ، لذلك اخترنا لكم فيما يل أفضل قصة خيالية بالانجليزي :

قصة خيالية بالانجليزي
قصة خيالية بالانجليزي
  • THE WOODMAN AND THE SERPENT By Aesop One wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow. When he came closer he saw it was a Serpent to all appearance dead. But he took it up and put it in his bosom to warm while he hurried home. As soon as he got indoors he put the Serpent down on the hearth before the fire. The children watched it and saw it slowly come to life again. Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death. So the Woodman seized his axe, and with one stroke cut the Serpent in two. “Ah,” said he, “No gratitude from the wicked.
  • الحطّاب والأفعى ذات يوم شتوي بينما كان الحطاب يتسكع عائداً من عمله إلى بيته رأى شيئاً أسود يستلقي على الثلج، وعندما اقترب وجد أنها كانت أفعى تبدو كالميتة للناظرين. فأخذها ووضعها في صدره لتدفئتها وركض نحو البيت. ما إن وصل حتى وضعها على الموقد أمام النار. راقبها الأولاد وهي تعود للحياة شيئاً فشيء، ثم انحنى أحدهم عليها ليداعبها بيده لكن الأفعى رفعت رأسها وأخرجت مخالبها وكانت على وشك أن تلدغ الولد لدغة قاتلة عندما أمسك الحطاب بفأسه وبضربة واحدة قطعها إلى قسمين قائلا: لا عرفان بالجميل من اللئيم.قصة خيالية بالانجليزي

قد يهمك :

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي للاطفال

يبحث الكثير من الأباء على قصص قصيرة وممتعه لأبنائهم باللغة الانجليزية وتكون مُصاحب لها ترجمه بالعربية ليسهل على الأطفال فهمها، و فيما يلي أجمل قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي للاطفال :

  • بعيداً عن اي قصة قصيرة عن جريمة سرقة ، لنرى جانب مشرق من الحياة من خلال هذه القصة . سقط الحمار المفضل لاحد الرجال في حفرة عميقة . فلا يمكنه سحبه مهما حاول جاهداً . لذلك قرر دفن الحمار حياً فسكب التراب على الحمار من الأعلى . فشعر الحمار بالتراب وبدأ ينفضها ويدوس عليها. وكل ما يسكب المزيد من التراب فإنه ينفضها ويتقدم . كلما تم سكب التراب ، زاد ارتفاعه. بحلول الظهيرة ، كان الحمار قد ارتفع من الحفرة واصبح في المراعي الخضراء. بعد الكثير من المحاولات والتي تتمثل في (المشاكل) والتقدم (التعلم منها) ، سوف يصل المرء في المراعي الخضراء.
  • Far from any short story about theft, let’s see a bright side of life through this story One of the men’s favorite ass fell into a deep hole. He could not withdraw it no matter how hard he tried. So he decided to bury the donkey alive. He poured dirt on the donkey from above. So the donkey felt dirt and began to shake it and trample it. And whatever pours more dirt, it shakes it off and advances. The more earth is poured, the higher its height. By noon, the donkey had risen from the hole and was in the green pastures. After a lot of attempts (problems) and progress (learning from them), one will arrive in green pastures.

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن المغامرات

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن المغامرات مناسبة للمبتدئين تحتوي على الكثير من الكلمات المهمة في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية، والآن نترككم مع هذه القصة :

  • It all started with a magnifying glass. Daryl’s uncle had given it to him for his birthday. It didn’t seem like much of a gift at the time, but then all sorts of things happened. Read this story to find out what kind of an adventure Daryl had! It was a nice summer day and Daryl decided to go for a walk. ‘Why don’t you take that magnifying glass with you,’ said his uncle, ‘see what kind of an adventure you can find.
  • Daryl didn’t think there was much adventure in a magnifying glass but he stuck it in his pocket anyway along with some peanut butter crackers. He walked to his favorite tree and sat down in the warm sand to eat his crackers. As he ate, some crumbs fell to the ground. He took out the magnifying glass when he noticed an ant had already found his cracker crumbs. ‘Hey,’ he thought, ‘I’ll check this out.
  • Under the magnifying glass, the ant looked pretty formidable. That means it looked large and scary! As he followed the ant, he saw it fall into a small pit. The ant tried and tried to crawl out of the pit, but the sand kept giving way and he’d fall back down. Daryl was just about to give up on the ant when, all of a sudden, out of the bottom of the pit jumped an antlion and grabbed the ant! Wow, was that something to watch up-close! The antlion was even more formidable than the ant!

قصة بالانجليزي قصيرة وسهلة عن الكذب

الإنسان مهما حاول إخفاء الحقيقة لا بُدّ أن يأتي يوم يظهر فيه الحقّ أمام الجميع، وكما قيل: “إذا كانَ الكذبُ يُنجي فالصدقُ أنجى” ، و في التالي أجمل قصة بالانجليزي قصيرة وسهلة عن الكذب :

  • One day Sami and his sister Marie went to visit their grandparents on the farm. Sami grabbed a slingshot to play with in the woods, but he could never hit it, then went back to the farm to eat, and then went out to play again, and then saw his grandmother’s pet duck. Knowing that he could not shoot properly, he let the slingshot fly towards the duck, but this time he hit it in the head and killed it.
  • Sami grieved greatly, and hid the duck’s carcass in the woods, but Mary could see what had happened from the window but she did not tell him anything, and the next day Grandma asked Mary to wash the dishes, but Mary said, “But Grandma, Sami told me he would like to do the dishes.
  • Then Mary said to Sammy in a low voice, “Do you remember the duck you killed?” Sami is nervous knowing that his sister knows about the duck and if he doesn’t do what she wants she will tell his grandmother what happened, so Sami complies with her and washes the dishes. After some time the grandfather asked if the children liked to go fishing, but the grandmother said, “I’m sorry I need Mary to help me prepare the food.” Mary smiled and said, “Of course Grandma but Sami told me he wanted to help you.” Then Mary whispered to Sammy again, “Do you remember the duck you killed
  • Sami was silent, and Mary went hunting, while Sami helped his grandmother, and after several days and Mary is exploiting Sami, Sami could not stand it any longer, so he went to his grandmother and told her that he had killed the duck without intending. Grandma hugged Sami and said to him
  • My dear, I know everything, I saw you from the window, but I forgave you because I loved you, while I didn’t tell you until I knew how long you would let Mary use you, and until you knew that if you were honest with me and told me from the start, she wouldn’t be able to Mary did any of this.”

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الأمل

لا أحد يستطيع أن يمنعك حتى تتوقف عن الإيمان بنفسك ولا تفقد الأمل يومًا الأمل هو ما يمكن أن يجعلك تحقق كل شيء تريده ، إليكم أفضل قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الأمل :

  • Frederick Douglass was once born into slavery in Talbot County Maryland in 1818. His specific beginning date was once misplaced in history. Many African slaves did now not have their beginning dates recorded into authentic documents all through that time length due to the fact they did now not have simple human rights. They have been viewed as property owned by using their white masters. It was once a darkish time in the country. Frederick Douglass helped alternate that.
  • It used to be unlawful in the southern states to instruct blacks at that time, however, Douglass was once lucky adequate to have been trained with the aid of the spouse of his master, who commenced teaching Douglass the alphabet when he used to be 12 years old. He persisted in his training on his very own after that. With his new studying skills, Douglass started educating different black slaves in the New Testament. He had a sympathetic owner, who did no longer see any damage in this activity, however, his neighbors did no longer see eye to eye with him. It wasn’t lengthy earlier than the training ended after violent measures have been taken with the aid of the white neighborhood members.
  • Douglass ultimately escaped slavery, and settled in the nation of Massachusetts, the place he commenced his combat to give up slavery Douglass grew to be one of the most influential humans of his generation. He made effective buddies in the U.S. government. During one of his lecture excursions in 1843, Douglass used to be almost crushed to dying via an indignant mob, who did no longer agree with his message of abolition. He fled the USA on a couple of events to keep away from being put into a kingdom of slavery again. While in Europe, Douglass spoke to enthusiastic crowds on the evils of slavery.

قصة خيالية عن الفضاء باللغة الانجليزية

معنا في الفقرة التالية قصة خيالية عن الفضاء باللغة الانجليزية ، سهلة مناسبة للمبتدئين تتحدث عن تحقيق الطموح والعمل على تحقيق الأهداف، وهذه القصة الإنجليزية كالتالي :

  • A fictional story about space began from one of the strangest stories Amjad woke up from his sleep to find himself swimming in space He tried to stand terrified by what he saw, but his attempts failed, as he is in space and cannot control his body parts, so he started screaming loudly calling for his mother and his family, but what From anyone answering
  • and at that moment several alien creatures appeared in front of him they welcomed him, and said to him: Welcome to the space of stubborn children, you will remain among us from now on, cried Amjad crying as he wanted to return him to his parents and to his mother’s embrace. The aliens taught him how to control his body and he swam with them until they reached a small room in which they sold tickets.
  • The ticket clerk said to them: Is this another stubborn child? Take this ticket to him and join his friends. Amjad entered with the aliens to find many children here and there, and they said to him: We will show you now An entertaining movie, and they started playing the movie to show his mother in her first picture. He shouted in astonishment: My mother, she is my mother, I miss my mother, please, I want to go back.
  • The aliens said to him: Listen and watch, and if the film depicts his mother while she was pregnant with him and toiled for him, then they filmed him When his mother was staying up next to him crying, she was afraid of his illness. Amjad became crying and bemoaning what he had done towards his mother, and he promised himself that if he came back to see his mother, he would be obedient, loving and friendly.
  • Amjad said to the aliens: Please bring me back to my mother, and they said to him: You are the one who wanted to leave, we only achieved what you wanted, and with this your journey did not end With us, the aliens took the child and took him to a garden full of beautiful flowers and a fragrant scent. Amjad said to them, “Oh my God, how beautiful a garden is. My mother loves flowers. Let me pick some of these flowers for her.
  • ” One of the aliens replied: This is your mother’s garden for you. Amjad was surprised and said to them: What do you mean by this? The alien said to him: This garden is your mother’s calls for you. Whenever she calls for you, we plant a rose here. Look at the many prayers and the neighborhood that your mother calls for you.
  • Amjad after they saw tears of repentance in his eyes, and the aliens vanished to replace them with the voice of his mother calling and saying to him: Amjad, Amjad, why did you tore the pillow? Amjad jumped to hug his mother and apologize to her, and promised her that he would become a polite child, the mother kissed him and said to him: I love you, My son, it was a fictional story about space, one of the most beautiful and enjoyable stories.

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