يطلب كثيرا من الطلاب في المراحل المختلفة مواضيع تعبيرعن موقف حدث معه بالانجليزي ولذلك سوف نقدم لكم في هذا المقال موضوع تعبير عن موقف حدث معي بالانجليزي.

موضوع تعبير عن موقف حدث معي بالانجليزي

 موضوع تعبير عن موقف حدث معي بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير عن موقف حدث معي بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم موضوع تعبير عن موقف حدث معي بالانجليزي, و هو كالتالي :

I finished the school year , I and my sister were successful in the exam and we got excellent grades, and my father wanted to give us a bonus to encourage us to always be the best in our study.

My father suggested some names of tourist countries in Europe to spend the summer vacation and enjoy the beautiful tourist places and we agreed to travel to France, especially the city of Paris because it is famous for beauty and elegance and fashion houses and famous tourist places such as the Eiffel Tower and Street The lively Champs Elysées, the Arc de Triomphe and other beautiful tourist spots.

The city of Paris is also famous for its hotels with distinctive architectural style and restaurants serving all kinds of Western and Oriental food,There are also a lot of entertainment such as cinemas, theaters, and more.

At the appointed time everyone prepared and we boarded the car and we went to the airport filled with happiness, and think of the beautiful times that we will spend in Paris and the fashion that we will buy from the latest brands where there are famous fashion houses.

I was driving the car and I felt that we might be late for the scheduled time at the airport and I drove quickly, which led to an accident and my leg was broken and my sister was injured in the head, which made us move to the hospital in the ambulance.

The doctor advised my sister to undergo surgery, while I was prevented from moving for two months and the summer vacation ended and I was still in the hospital to complete my treatment.

But I learned from this position to be more careful and to take into account the rules of the right driving and never change it, no matter what the reasons.

تعبير عن موقف محرج بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم تعبير عن موقف محرج بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

I always tell this story when someone asks me about the most embarrassing situation that happened to me, and the reaction is always to make fun of this situation, which I would not wish on my worst enemy.

I was living in Saudi Arabia and I was in the fourth grade of primary school and my school was far from home and my father did not have time to drive me because he goes to work at the same time, there was a French teacher who used to drive some students with him for a certain amount of money that I do not remember as a way to increase his income, but we agreed with him to drive me and he would ring my mother when he approached the house to wait for him under the building.

And now

As usual, I went down to wait for the teacher, but I found that he arrived early, so the car was parked in front of the building. I opened the door and entered to find a girl sitting, but I continued to sit down and looked at the driver’s seat, saying, “Why is a girl driving us and our school is only boys? There was silence for a moment, then I managed the situation, apologized quickly and left as fast as I could, and I could feel the blood flowing in my face, and I am sure that my face at that time was like a tomato, it was not my teacher who sat, but someone looking at me with a smile. To this day, when I remember this situation, my face turns red and I laugh at the way I looked at that man and imagined him like this.

تعبير عن موقف محرج قصير

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم تعبير عن موقف محرج قصير , و هو كالتالي :

إنه يومٌ من أيام الشؤم التي لاتُنسى بالنسبة إلي ..

أركب الطائرة متجها إلى عائلتي بعد سنة دراسية طويلة رتيبة صعبة مُملة كعادتها تلك السنين في الغُربة .

ومن بين كُل الركاب المتواجدين يقع الخطأ في تذكرتي حيث أصبحت جليسًا بين زوجين ينظُران إلي بنظرة المُفرق لطيور الحب ، مُخرب ” اللاف ستوريز “

و من شكلهما يبدوان لي أنهم حديثي الزواج حيث تحمل الزوجة طفلها الصغير و تتبادل النظرات خلسة بين الحين والآخر مع زوجها فهو ينظر لها وهي تبادله النظرات .

ماعلينا.. المهم أني كنت في المقعد الخاطئ في التوقيت الخاطئ مما دفع الزوج للإعتراض على جلوسي هنا حيث أخبرهم أنه حجز مقاعد له ولزوجته ولطفله وبالفعل أتت المضيفة لتحُل الأمر حيث أخذتني برائحة عطرها إلى درجة رجال الأعمال ( business class ) و أمرتني بالجلوس هناك !!

و كِدت أن لا أُصدق ، ياااه يافرج الله ماهذا الكرسي الواسع الذي يتسع لإثنين من حجمي ، ما كُل تلك الأزرار الموجودة على هذا الكُرسي ؟!! يا ما انت كريم يارب – قلت في نفسي – ومباشرةً قمت بوضع قدم على اخرى ، و تعتليني نظرات الكِبر لكل اولئك الأشخاص الذاهبين للدرجة الإقتصادية ، فكلما مر من جانبي أحدهم مرقته بنظرة إستحقار وتعالي أقول في نفسي نعم نعم أنا الشاب العشريني الذي حقق ثروته مبكرًا ويسافر على درجة رجال الأعمال من أنت أو انت مييين ! .

تعبير عن موقف مؤثر في حياتك بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم تعبير عن موقف مؤثر في حياتك بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

I don’t forget the day I was beaten by a middle school student, I was in elementary school, small and weak, unable to defend myself in front of adults, and I was afraid to complain for fear of being blamed or the classmates laughing at me. My life changed after that and I became afraid to walk alone in the streets and only return home when accompanied by a large group of students, I was alone, afraid, and didn’t know what to do or how to act.
I was alone and scared, not knowing what to do or how to behave. I also began to suffer from academic failure, and I regressed a lot, and the teachers’ complaints to my parents increased every day.
I became an introvert who couldn’t stand talking to my classmates, especially since I started to be harassed by them, and they started to blame me for everything that happened, and they called me a scared coward. I used to run away whenever I saw bigger students walking towards me, and I thought they were coming to beat me up. At home, my mother complained to my father about my failure to do my homework and the fact that I would not leave my room unless absolutely necessary, so that the neighbor children forgot about me and got tired of my refusal to play with them, my mother did not hesitate to consult a family therapist, but I refused any help.

تعبير عن موقف مفرح بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم تعبير عن موقف مفرح بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

A happy day that I went through Many are the happy stations that humans go through, and they are in the midst of life, although they are sometimes rare for some, they are a help to their owner in life and a balm, and when returning to the past and remembering a happy station from it on a happy day that I also went through, I remembered an incident that is still engraved in my memory and engraved in my heart. It was many years ago, when I was a young child, and the school principal had scheduled a school trip for us to the Mediterranean Sea, Gaza, Haifa, and Jaffa, and he stressed that we must be present at 3:00 am, before the dawn prayer.
I fell asleep that night dreaming about the trip and how the sea would look to me. I fell asleep that night dreaming of the trip and its realities, and how the sea scene would look like. Unfortunately, I woke up late, and I was very pained that I would not realize the trip. I hurriedly got dressed, washed my face, and set off at a fast pace, feeling that the earth was folding under my feet, as the school was a bit far away, and there were no cars at this hour.
I arrived at the school, the students were walking towards the buses, and the principal was calling out names. Suddenly I heard him call my name, I raised my hand, and he laughed and said, “If you were a few minutes late, we would have left you alone: “If you are a few minutes late, we will leave you and go away. At this point, I began to imagine what it would be like if the trip went on without me participating in it. I felt very happy in these moments, which was reflected in the way I interacted with the trip, and in the different stops of the trip between the different Palestinian cities, and the school director introduced us to them one by one, Jerusalem, Shuafat, Bir Zeit, Abu Qash, Deir Yassin, Nablus, Jenin, Qalqilya, until we reached the cities of the Palestinian coast: Jaffa, Acre, and Tel el-Rabieh, and the Mediterranean waters and its beaches accompanied us along these cities, until the proud Gaza seemed to be laughing at our arrival, and we visited

قد يهمك :

تعبير عن حدث غريب بالانجليزي قصير

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم تعبير عن حدث غريب بالانجليزي قصير , و هو كالتالي :

Princess Khutulun would not agree to her suitor unless he defeated her in wrestling, and whenever a suitor wanted to wrestle Princess Khutulun, she asked him to bet some of his horses in case she won, and some accounts mention that she has thousands of horses, and the number may reach ten thousand, because of her many victories, and it is worth noting that no one has ever been able to defeat her

تعبير عن موقف حصل لك في المدرسة بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم تعبير عن موقف حصل لك في المدرسة بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

I would like to share with you a situation that happened to me when I was 13 years old and changed the course of my life completely and I still don’t know whether I should thank that teacher (the hero of the story) or I should consider his words hurtful to me for the rest of my life …

I didn’t like math and didn’t understand it at all, and everyone knew it, and all the teachers knew that I was very bad at science… Believe me, I was trying to learn it, but I couldn’t. Whenever I saw a question, my brain couldn’t comprehend the numbers or the math operations, what should I do and what are these symbols (x, y, z).

One day the math teacher sat at the table and asked us what we would like to join in high school (scientific branch, literary branch, hotel branch … etc.) and each student answered with the specialty he wanted to join and the professor was laughing at the choices of some because he found them too small to join that specialty. My turn came and I was confused and I felt afraid that the laughter would rise above what I would say, and indeed I answered that I wanted to enter the scientific branch … Here, what I thank God for happened happened, as at that time the physics teacher entered the class and the math teacher mentioned to him that I wanted to join the scientific branch, and he only said, “But you want to enter a scientific branch,” and as he finished his words until the mocking laughter began by everyone and I was completely silent, but here are the results:

  1. The next year I became one of the top students in math
  2. In the second year, I became the most popular math student in the school.
  3. In high school, the first year, I entered the scientific branch and was one of the best students. In the exam, if a student objected to a question and suspected that there was an error, the teacher would say to me, “Mohammed, please read the question and tell me whether it contains an error or not.” If I told him no, he would say to the students, “Complete the solution, there is no error in the question.” (He trusted me blindly).
  4. In the Tawjihi stage (second secondary school), I was one of the fiercest students in the subject of mathematics and used to challenge professors in various schools to solve some questions in the field of integration.
  5. At university, I studied engineering and excelled in math and physics
  6. I learned programming, which is based on math and the power of logical thinking.
  7. I started to see life in a mathematical way. I see everything around me as a mathematical equation
  8. I worked as a math tutor and got a good reputation in a short period of time before traveling to Germany.
  9. This subject still offers me a lot in my life and I rely on it for everything, yes, everything.