Impact of artificial intelligence on creative writing , chatgpt ui We see in this period a qualitative boom in the development of AI systems, so we see apps that give them some words and the app produces a new image to represent the content of the words given, you can read more about this subject in an article “Drawing and design through artificial intelligence,” this surge was caused by the low cost and speed of computer processors in a way that became accessible to millions of people, and even mobile devices could do better and faster computer operations than computers that once filled full rooms.

How did this danger start to emerge?

At the beginning of the year 2023 openAI launched the beta version of chatgpt3.5 chatgpt3.5, this robot is capable of answering an unlimited number of technical and non-technical questions, In most areas of life and science, he is even able to write small software if asked to, In the following photo, for example, I ask him about the capitals of the Arab States and he answers in a few seconds.

For example, for our topic “Creative Writing”, I will ask the robot about writing a paragraph on the topic, as you can see, there is something special about getting a direct and quick answer without having to bother looking for it on Google, for example.

Things I noticed during chatgpt

Impact of artificial intelligence on creative writing
Impact of artificial intelligence on creative writing

Through my experience of this robot at intervals I noticed the following: Replies improved in Arabic: At the time of chatgpt launch the responses in Arabic were loose and the words incoherent, and this was significantly improved in subsequent versions of chatgpt, Because feedback and continuous updating of information and data in chatgpt make upcoming copies twice as good as old, the update in AI training is like a human mind adding more information and years of experience.
Sometimes his answers are simple: many times some people disguise the results they get by interacting with chatgpt, but many times the answers are very simple, for example in the next photo I ask him to write. “A story about the rabbit”, the story is so simple that the plot is so weak and here is the power of the human mind in producing unprecedented content that it has to exist distinctively and individually for everyone.

The AI question to write the rabbit story may be because the content produced by chatgpt is the same as content found in books, the Internet, or any other source fed from it, but there are those who say that everything that man thinks is something that he might have heard, read, or experienced in the past.

Most current uses have a technique: despite chatgpt’s ability to help in most areas of life, today’s world is surprised by its ability to help in technical matters such as writing software, helping to check the Excel schedule, or writing algorithms to solve specific problems, Or even writing a business plan for a company, but few people have used it so heavily in creative writing they might have used it on some of the points I’ll make in the next paragraph.

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Ways to use artificial intelligence in creative writer

You may not be able to use AI fully in the production of creative content, but you can undoubtedly use and benefit from it through the following points: -Production of keywords: In the writing process the white page may initially be one of the most difficult stages, you can ask chatgpt about subjects that have to do with words you think about communicating to people.

Research on topics you write about: The search process may be long and sometimes complicated, chatgpt provides you with the world’s libraries and the Internet fully to help you search and verify the information you publish, which can help you finish writing faster and more accurately. Title production: It can also be asked about suggestions for topics you write and often the result will be good.
Suggesting topics to write about: Artificial intelligence can propose topics for you to use in writing, and this is very useful in planning the content you want to write.

Is there a risk of artificial intelligence on the content book?

As we see today’s remarkable evolution of artificial intelligence, content writers will be challenged to produce their own content that reflects their feelings and thoughts further and move away from content that users can find on sites like Wikipedia, as these tools will be able to debrief more accurately and faster in the future.
AI is a clear danger to search engines. Today, an internet user goes to a search engine to search for a particular topic. After chatgpt the search process for many topics may be cancelled This will constitute a shortage of users and consequently a shortage of advertising returns, prompting Google to issue a cool chatgpt competitor in an attempt to stay in the online search competition.

There are some topics that AI does not interfere with for reasons that may pose a risk to its developers, such as political or religious topics and other topics. You can use the opportunity to write on these topics at least in this period.