In the light of the rapid changes we face today in an era when informationHow to improve your brain’s ability to learn, is crowded and people are racing to win a dream career, many students and graduates seek to learn, read and increase daily productivity to keep pace with the tremendous progress in the information world, and therefore it is necessary to improve our mental abilities and strengthen mental abilities to improve learning. How to improve your brain’s ability to learn

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Brain mechanism in the learning process

Brain mechanism in the learning 1 process
1 Brain mechanism in the learning process

Before we start, the way the human brain works must be understood so that we can control it a little bit and be able to learn better. The human brain consists of about 86 billion neurons, each cell acting by sending messages (signals) from the brain to the human body. For example, if you want to write now, the brain neuron sends a “finger move” signal to the neurons in your hand. Each neuron is connected to an enormous number of other 10,000 cells, making the brain more like a large spider network. How to improve your brain’s ability to learn

During the learning process, some changes occur in the brain, the most important of which is the formation of new connections between neurons, called neural elasticity. These neural connections strengthen as learning continues, and the stronger these connections, the faster messages or signals are transmitted resulting in a productive learning process. Conversely, when you stop learning, the connections between neurons weaken and disintegrate. And so sometimes you find it hard to go back to reading your lessons after you’ve stopped reading throughout the vacation. How to improve your brain’s ability to learn

However, some neural networks may become too powerful to limit nerve connections that will never disappear. Learning reactivates neurons that show the brain’s flexibility and susceptibility to changes, increasing the mind’s ability to absorb and understand information.

So how can you help neurons create and strengthen connections?

5 ideas to enhance your learning ability

There are many methods and methodologies that can be followed to improve the brain’s performance and enhance its ability to learn, including:

  • Regular exercise
5 ideas to enhance your learning 2 ability
2 5 ideas to enhance your learning ability
  • Sport undoubtedly has many benefits at the physical level, in addition to what brain scientists have found important in improving memory and stimulating the mind. Many studies have shown that athletes are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and deteriorate their mental brain function. This is due to increased blood flow to the brain during exercise. They also help to address the lack of concurrent brain connections with age.
  • Brain activation and information recovery
  • A common way learners do while studying is to go through their eyes on information and fall into the fast-reading trap or speed up videos to finish their lessons quickly. But these methods will not work, because strengthening and activating connections between neurons requires repeating information more than once, and to create new connections between cells and learning more deeply, information must be restored.
  • For example, if you learn a new computational matter it will not be enough to just read the steps of resolving the issue, it is better to call the solution out of your memory even if the solution is wrong you will only learn through trial and error. Scientists say that suffering improves the learning process because when you challenge yourself it’s an indication that your brain is building new connections. Scientists also noted that tests and exercises improve the recollection of information than just reading.
  • Maintaining mindfulness
5 ideas to enhance your learning 3 ability
3 5 ideas to enhance your learning ability
  • Human mind as muscle, grows and grows with exercise and practice and when neglected it weakens and shrinks. Studies have shown that mental activities stimulate the activity of new connections between neurons, and may even help to create new cells that evolve from the process of neural resilience and build a functional reserve that provides protection against future cell loss. There are many good ideas to revitalize your mind all the time, such as: reading, drawing, coloring, solving crossword, playing cards, puzzles and learning a new language.
  • It is also a good trick to use your unused (non-dominant) hand in routine activities, such as: toothbrushes, combing your hair or turning on the lights. You can also try a different way to go to your workplace or university, shop from a new place, or challenge yourself by opening your room door with your eyes closed. It all enhances the flexibility of the mind and the ability to learn, important try to challenge yourself with something new every day.
  • Proper nutrition
  • The “sound mind in the healthy body” of us did not hear this saying from our parents or even from our teachers at school, although the simplicity of this sentence involves proven scientific fact. Everything you eat affects your mind both negatively and positively, so it is essential that you follow a diet containing vegetables and fruit while reducing fast food and processed meat, to help revitalize your mind and keep it safe. You can eat vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and strawberries to strengthen memory and improve brain function performance.
  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids also maintain cognitive function and protect the mind from depression, anxiety and stress. Proteins contain high levels of amino acids that produce neurotransmitters associated with mental alertness. In addition to the Mediterranean diet that focuses on eating plant foods, whole grains, fish and healthy fats such as nuts and olive oil.
  • Allocate time to relax
  • You must maintain a balance between work and rest and set specific rest periods to avoid stress and restore your activity again. Scientists have noted that breaks between learning sessions improve memory and information absorption capabilities. Instead of sitting for 3 hours continuously, you can divide one session into 3 sessions with breaks for rest to allow your mind to strengthen the connections you have made during the study to increase learning efficiency.
  • Adequate sleep
  • Intermittent sleep is one of the most important causes of lack of concentration and memory impairment, with scientists proving that sleep helps remove abnormal proteins, solidify memories and improve memory and brain health in general. Adults need between 7 and 8 hours of continuous sleep each night to achieve significant benefits and perform their tasks as best as possible during the day. So every night he tried to take an abundant amount of continuous sleep as he stabilized and stored memories.
  • Bad habits weaken brain activity
  • Knowing the disease is half the drug, it is important to recognize the bad habits that affect our brains as we teach healthy methods to boost brain activity.
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Anxiety is a modern-day plague where most of the world’s population today suffers from chronic anxiety, which in turn kills cells and weakens the prefrontal cortex of the brain responsible for memory and learning. In addition, anxiety increases blood pressure, weakens the immune system, causes depression and increases the likelihood of developing brain fog as a result of mental stress. As a result, a stressed mind cannot think properly or focus on anything.
  • In order to deal with anxiety and stress properly, you need to be flexible during your reaction. In the sense that if you feel like you’re going into a tantrum take a deep breath and always remind yourself that you don’t know everything and it’s incomprehensible to err and accept that other people’s suggestions may be good. To avoid worrying about future matters, think well about what you are offered and plan unexpected situations and react to when the worst case scenario occurs.
  • Sitting for long periods
5 ideas to enhance your learning 4 ability
4 5 ideas to enhance your learning ability
  • Some studies have revealed that adults sit for 6 and a half hours a day, and all this time a number of changes occur in their brains. In a study conducted by Plus One in 2018, it was found that sitting for a long time was associated with changes in the brain lobe responsible for memory. The researchers used MRI scans to examine the middle temporal lobe — an area of the brain responsible for making new memories — on people between 45 and 75 years old, and then compared the scans to the average number of hours these people sit. They found that people who sit in their places more hours shrink in areas of the middle temporal lobe and can be a precursor to cognitive decline and dementia.
  • To cope with damage caused by sitting long, try to move every 15 – 30 minutes and do some light exercises, walk around the house or stand and stretch frequently.

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  • Lack of social life
  • Isolation and disconnection from society are now common, and everyone is moving around in isolation and this has evolved especially after the coronavirus, increasing depression rates as loneliness is linked to bad mood. A July 2021 study in the journal the Journals of Gerontology found that isolated people are the most likely to lose the gray matter responsible for processing information.
  • You can consider socializing for brain maintenance such as exercise to keep the body healthy. It requires brain power not only to remember people’s names but also to know their profession, how many children they are and to learn about their hobbies. This conversation forces your brain to listen to the speaker’s words and pay attention to the tone of his voice and body language to guess what he will tell you.
  • If you have lost your enthusiasm for communicating with others especially after the coronavirus pandemic, you can relate to people again by starting with a small group of two or three individuals you want to share your interests with and events of your day and make sure to choose individuals who really care about you to encourage you to communicate with them. If you are a remote employee and work through your home, you can spend time in a coffee shop or library where you can see and communicate spontaneously with new people.
  • Take sugars and soft drinks
5 ideas to enhance your learning 5 ability
5 ideas to enhance your learning ability 5
  • There are many studies conducted to assess the impact of sugars, processed confectionery and soft drinks on the quality of learning, and these studies suggest that the consumption of large quantities of sugars and soft drinks can negatively affect the quality of learning.
  • Candy manufactured
  • In a 2017 study, researchers found that students who drank soft drinks before their exams received lower scores than students who did not have these drinks. In another study conducted in 2020, researchers found that consumption of sugars could lead to a decline in memory, concentration and attention.
  • In addition, eating a large amount of sugars and soft drinks can lead to weight gain, obesity and high blood pressure, and these things can affect the quality of learning indirectly.
  • Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding high intake of sugars and soft drinks, especially before school or the educational process. In addition, emphasis should be placed on eating healthy, vitamin-rich foods and minerals that the body needs to maintain brain health and other mental functions.

In the end, it can be said that your learning abilities can be improved by some simple changes in your lifestyle. If you follow basic health tips such as exercise, proper nutrition, information recovery and avoiding bad habits, you will feel generally better in your mental and physical health. Furthermore, attention to your mental health may help improve your social relationships and increase your productivity and personal well-being.