Sleepless… Sleep addiction and demand an overdose, A state of inactivity, indifference and desire to embrace the pillow again without feeling the slightest guilt despite sleeping for long hours in a given year, especially after spending long hours working, stress and coping with the stressful conditions of life, but that’s never what I mean to consider a temporary period, but in Lebanon I refer to the category that is accompanied by a sense of sleeplessness or what is known as a constant sleep deficit without interruption or interruption, yes, the following lines have been written for you only. Sleepless… Sleep addiction and demand an overdose

After-sleep failure

 1 After-sleep failure
After-sleep failure 1

An overdose of sleep over 10 hours of sleep? Something you shouldn’t shut up about at all! You’re in a vortex of inactivity, hiding secrets and secrets that have to be revealed, and it’s beyond sleep!

You must’ve had a situation to get up from your bed right away to the couch to throw your body back, and the funniest thing is that some people think they need a rest of their sleep. Medically, your condition is called sleep-deficiency.

The reasons for sleep-deficit

Many medical studies have stood on the secret behind your sense of fatigue and fatigue despite sleeping hours that are supposed to be enough; you are not the only one in this world who feels that feeling; a large proportion is overwhelmed by the desire to return to bed for at least half an hour to about an hour; however, it begins to fade gradually after that period.

However, researchers have pointed out that there is something unusual in the event that it lasts for long hours; in this case, you need to reconsider the state of health and lifestyle, but it must be known that it covers only those cases that have taken enough time to sleep for long hours, and thus only those who have slept for three hours after long night shifts.

Jobs and work done by people from night shifts may be a cause of this feeling; it is a reason for the additional need to sleep, as when you wake up after only four hours after long sleep deprivation; the brain is quicker to sleep and reach deep stages, and by waking up the journey between sleep and wake-up and conflict begins.

It may also be the reason for your continued inactivity and fatigue after waking up as a result of your desire to stay in bed for a long time; that will enhance your sense of need to go back to sleep and give up waking, no matter what its temptations may be.

Don’t ever ask again why you feel so lazy if you’re so lowly physically active! Inactivity will inevitably take control of your lifestyle, as well as if you’re the one who’s eating the fat late at night.

Forget the above if it never involves you; if you do not follow the lifestyle above; you need a doctor’s review of the reasons; some of them are medically referred to as daily rhythm disorder, insomnia, leg boring syndrome, cyclical limb disorder and many other medical reasons that can only be verified by clinical diagnosis.

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Post-sleep inactivity symptoms

 2 Post-sleep inactivity symptoms
Post-sleep inactivity symptoms 2

Post-sleep inactivity is not only an occasional condition one day to prepare yourself for injury, but you will notice a lot of accompanying symptoms that will affect your career and day as a whole, noting that you are confused with the ability to concentrate completely, and that you will not give yourself the opportunity to rise at all as a result of taking over the body’s decision to stay in bed without any step forward.

Get rid of sleep-deficit

You must not want this case at all, so start helping yourself to go off and get rid of the sleep-deficiency without medical intervention if there’s no need, so I’m putting in your hands some advice that might help you:

  • A nap.
  • It’s nice to give yourself a nap in the afternoon hours for not more than half an hour. Sleeping for long hours during the day deprives you of it at night, and you go into a vortex of your insomnia.
  • Caffeine.
  • Caffeine in this case is considered to be a double-edged weapon, which will lead you to insomnia and can be considered a cause of sleeplessness; so moderation by having a cup of coffee during daytime hours gives you a dose of energy and awakening; some coffee addicts indicate that they have missed the joy of the vigilance and activity that coffee gives them; some have slept indifferently after drinking it.
  • Light.
  • The light plays an important role in improving the quality of his sleep, or vice versa, so the lights in your room will be causing the B.C.A. to be disturbed; so it would be amazing if you made the sunrise a time to wake you up; you’ll definitely get used to it.
  • Physical activity
  • Make time during your day to exercise and go into the fresh air so you can get extra activity; that’ll be good for improving health and getting out of sleep.
  • Sleep isn’t just putting your head on the pillow at all; it’s just that you really need to get a good sleep, so make sure you pick a comfortable bed and light a faint light, as well as a high degree of quiet until you go into deep sleep, and also don’t forget the overthink that’s gonna keep you from sleeping, so throw everything behind you so you can wake up with every activity.

Finally, post-sleep inactivity may be the end of it by your own decision, so never give in to it if you can, go to activity and nature and start your business after having a cup of coffee to enjoy more.