At this point, it seems like “stressed” is a permanent state of being. Whether you’re stressed about the current state of the world, work, school, finances, relationships, or anything else, it can be overwhelming and, frankly, exhausting. Luckily, having a support system you can count on is one way to lighten the load. So if you confused about what to say to someone stressed,below, you will find, what to say to someone stressed, what to say to someone who has anxiety, what to say to someone tired, how to help someone stressed, how to calm your boyfriend down through text, how to make someone smile over text, how to comfort someone going through a .hard time, words to comfort someone

what to say to someone stressed

what to say to someone stressed
what to say to someone stressed
  • “I’m here for you. How can I help?”
    You want them to know you’ll always want to be there for them — especially when they’re feeling low or overwhelmed. With this message, they’ll know you’re ready to do anything for them. Or, if they don’t, you can make the sentiment clearer.
  • “You’re not alone. I’ve got your back.”
    You never want them to feel alone or like their concerns don’t matter to anyone else. Remind them they don’t have to face this alone or to keep it all to themselves. You want to be there to listen and to help in whatever way you can.
    You don’t hesitate to stand up for or stand with them, whatever it might cost you. You’re the friend they can always count on.
  • “This is nothing new for you. You’ve got this.”
    They’ve been through similar situations — not that that makes their present situation isn’t still a challenge. You trust that they have what it takes to deal with it and come out on top. You’ve seen them triumph before, even when things looked bleak.
    And you want their self-confidence to match the confidence you have in them.
  • “One thing at a time. What do you want to focus on first?”
    Sometimes we try to take on the whole mess in one go — or we feel like we have to. Remind your friend they’re allowed to focus on one thing at a time. Encourage them to slow down, take a moment, and then choose one action to take.
    By taking it one step at a time, they’ll get closer to the finish line in the smoothest and most enjoyable way possible.
  • “I’m here (always) if you want to talk..”
    If they don’t want you to help them do the thing, you can still offer to listen to what they want to say about the situation. Besides, it gives you a chance to spend time with one of your favorite people (or your favorite person of all time).
    Being there to listen with your undivided attention is one way to let them know you love them and want to be there for them.
  • “What you’re feeling right now is 100% understandable.”
    Validate what they feel if you don’t fully understand it. Trust that their feelings are real and overwhelming, and let them know you take them seriously. Never assume they’re overreacting or being melodramatic to get your attention
  • “I am so proud of you!”
    Telling them you’re proud of them can help them feel calmer and more confident about handling things. Just knowing they’ve impressed someone whose opinion matters to them can change their perspective on the situation.
    Your pride in them may be the motivation they need to change their focus.
  • “Considering what you’re going through, you’re doing great!”
    Let them know you see what they’re going through—and also how well they’re doing despite it. They’re in the thick of it, and you admire how they’re holding up and are still determined to do your best — even if they need a moment to collect themselve

what to say to someone who has anxiety

  • “I’m Here for You”
    This is helpful to hear because the one with anxiety feels less alone. They feel reassured that they can lean on you when they feel anxious, and being able to rely on this can be a huge relief.
  • “Do You Want Me to Stay & Keep You Company?”
    This is good to ask because it makes it feel okay to need company. It can be hard to ask for what you need when you’re anxious and sometimes just the presence of someone can be really helpful. Spending time with someone, even in silence, can help coregulate them.
  • “Your Feelings Are Valid”
    This is helpful because people who express anxiety often feel like their emotions are invalid, wrong, or crazy. They often will overthink their thoughts and start going in circles. Letting them know that what they feel is valid can be grounding and normalizing.
  • “This Feeling Will Pass”
    This is a good reminder that feelings don’t stay forever. When someone is in the middle of an anxiety attack, it can feel like that feeling is going to stay forever. Hearing this is a gentle reminder that you won’t feel this way forever.
  • “Feelings Are Not Facts”
    This is a helpful reminder to hear. When people are feeling anxious and have all their reasons why and are replaying all the worst-case scenarios, it can be hard for them to remember that it is not based in reality. Helping them remember that their feelings are just that, feelings, and not facts, helps them remember that they have more control than they do.
  • “It’s Ok To Feel This Way”
    This is important to say, as it normalizes the feelings that come with anxiety. Many of these symptoms and even anxiety can be very stigmatized and it can be hard to feel like it is ok to feel however you feel. This helps us remember we are allowed to feel however we feel.
  • “You Are Not Alone”
    In the midst of an anxiety attack, it can feel very isolating. Saying that your loved one is not alone is a great way to remind them that they have people who support them. It helps to make the experience less overwhelming.
  • “What Helps?/What Can I Do To Help?”
    Asking these questions is important to hear from their point of view what would be helpful. It also gives them a chance to think about something else and lean on known sources of strength. This can be an empowering experience for the person with anxiety.

what to say to someone tired

  • Oh, I feel you! Want to share what’s been keeping you busy?
  • What’s been draining your energy lately?
  • Tiredness seems to be contagious! I could definitely use a power nap myself. How about you?
  • You’re not alone in feeling tired. It’s a common struggle we all face. What do you usually do to recharge?
  • I hear you loud and clear. Fatigue can really take a toll on us. Is there anything specific that’s causing your exhaustion?
  • Ah, the exhaustion game. I know it well. Did you have a busy day or did something particular drain your energy?
  • It sounds like we’re both in the ‘I’m tired’ club today. Care to share what’s been zapping your energy lately?
  • You’re singing my song! Fatigue seems to be a universal experience. Do you think there’s something in particular causing your tiredness?
  • I feel you on a spiritual level! Life can be exhausting sometimes. Is there anything you find particularly draining lately?
  • I can definitely relate. Being tired is like a membership card to the human club. So, what’s been weighing you down recently?
  • Ezoic
  • Ah, the perpetual state of tiredness. I think we all have our moments. Is there something specific that has you feeling drained?
  • The fatigue struggle is real! We all have our moments. Is there anything in particular that’s wearing you out?
  • I hear you; tiredness is no joke. Is there a specific reason why you’re feeling exhausted today?
  • The fatigue train has arrived, and I’m aboard too! What’s been zapping your energy lately?
  • You’re not alone in feeling tired, my friend. Is there anything specific that’s contributing to your fatigue?
  • I’m right there with you. Is there anything in particular that’s causing your exhaustion?
  • The fatigue struggle is real, my friend. What’s been draining your energy lately?
  • I feel you; tiredness can really sneak up on us. Is there anything specific that’s been making you feel exhausted?
  • I can definitely relate. The struggle is real when it comes to feeling tired. What’s been going on that has you feeling drained?
  • Tiredness seems to be a common theme lately. Anything in particular that has you feeling worn out?

how to help someone stressed

  • Do → Share Your Own Struggles
  • It’s ok to share some of your own struggles (either with anxiety or in general) to signal to your friend that you’re comfortable with vulnerability — yours and theirs. When we’re vulnerable it makes it easier for them to be, as well.
  • Do → Listen
  • Keep your ears open and let them take the lead. It’s ok to ask open-ended questions to help them open up, but allow them to set the pace of the conversation. Try not to pry too much, but don’t give up right away, either. Long periods of silence are alright, too.
  • Do → Trust Your Gut
  • Unfortunately, there’s no instruction manual on how to check in with someone who might be struggling with anxiety. The most important thing is to be authentic, even if it’s awkward. If you care, say you care. If you’re not sure what to say, you can say something like, “This is kinda awkward and hard to talk about, but, I care about you and my gut is telling me that something is up with you. If my gut is right, would you be willing to share a little about what’s going on?” The words matter a lot less than being honest. We’re all unique, so finding a way that works for both of you is key. Sometimes the effort is all that matters.
  • Don’t → Put Pressure on Them
  • As with most conversations, trying to get someone to talk when they aren’t ready rarely works and often backfires. No matter how close the relationship, they just might not be ready to talk about what’s making them anxious or realize they’re suffering from anxiety in the first place.
  • Don’t → Give Unsolicited Advice
  • When people we love are hurting, it’s natural to want to try and fix them, but unless they’ve explicitly asked, try not to give advice. If you have advice to share that you think might help, you can check in about how receptive they’re feeling by saying something like, “I have some thoughts/reflections to share, but want to respect where you are because I know sometimes outside opinions aren’t helpful. Is it ok if I share or should I wait for another time?” If your friend signals that they want you to wait (verbally or nonverbally), do what you need to do to let it go so you can stay present to your friend in the moment.

how to calm your boyfriend down through text

  • What happened to set this off? Do you want to talk about it? If you want to be left alone, I understand and respect that too. Never forget that I am always here to listen and help you through any challenge.
    This message shows that you are genuinely interested in why your partner is stressed and willing to give them what they need.
  • I am sorry you are going through this. What can I do to help you through this?
    This message shows compassion and the eagerness to help and support them.
  • Let us go take a walk when you get home if you’d like. It may be useful to let off some of this steam brewing.
    This gives your partner something to look forward to. Knowing they have an outlet to release their emotions may help them get through the day.
  • Take some deep breaths in and out, in and out. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, and then release for 8 seconds. If you’d like, I can do this with you until you feel a bit more relaxed.
    This gives them a physical way of relieving the stress. This message is important because it is giving them an activity to try and something to redirect their mind towards.
  • I want you to try and put your phone down and your computer away. Disconnect for an hour and let your mind calm down.
    This message showcases the importance of disconnecting from electronics which could be possibly adding to their stress.
  • Have you talked to your boss about the stress you are experiencing regarding this project? Perhaps you can find a solution together.
    This text is useful if the stress is coming from work. If your partner is unsure how to approach the problem, you may be able to help them through that.
  • I know things have not been easy for us, but I believe we can overcome this. Why don’t we sit down this evening and have an open and honest discussion about this?
    If your partner is stressed from a personal issue, this type of message shows that you are acknowledging the problem and address it head on.
  • Remember that time you slipped on the banana peel? Life can be that silly and carefree again. This will pass.
    Sometimes, humor and a good laugh can relieve stress. Feel free to fill in the example to make someone laugh. Distracting someone might help them in the moment.
  • If I have done anything to add to the stress, please talk to me about it. Let’s work through this together as one solid unit rather than two pieces alone.
    Similar to other examples, it is important to show your support and empathy while your partner is going through this struggle.
  • Why don’t we plan a nice day together this weekend? How do you feel about going to the nature preserve?
    This message can lead to a longer conversation about making fun plans, which can distract them from whatever they are feeling stressed about.

how to make someone smile over text

  • i’m not a photographer, nonetheless I can imagine us together.
  • I broke my phone as your phone number is not in it.
  • Did you visit a different planet? Oh lovely, we have things in common.
  • I believe I will inform the FBI that you are the primary cause of global warming.
  • Is your dad a gangster because you are as explosive as dynamite.
  • I’m not a gambler, but my heart has just bet that I’ll never stop loving you.
  • Please save my smoldering heart. When I met you, I realized you had the same face I fantasized about every night.
  • When I’m with you, I’m not sure if I’m awake or dreaming.
  • It appears that you are making my heart beat faster.
  • I sent angels to keep an eye on you last night, but they refused. When I asked why they explained that angels do not look after other angels.
  • People adore money and flowers, but I adore you.
  • Do you want to drink with me and know what drinks I’ve had in my life?
  • Let’s make a deal, girl, let me kiss you, and if you don’t like it, you can return me.
  • I’m not a baker, but I’m pretty sure we’d make a sweet pair.
  • I tried searching for your number in my phone’s dictionary under ‘Perfection’. Oddly, it wasn’t there.
  • Did you just come from a magic show? Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.
  • I’d call the cops on you for stealing my heart, but I think they’d arrest me for holding onto the main suspect.

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how to comfort someone going through a hard time

  • You are a kind, loving, beautiful person. It might be really hard to see this now, but you will get through this – and when it seems like you won’t I’m here for you.
  • I know you feel misunderstood at times so I’m here to listen and learn.
  • You matter to so many people in this world. You make such a positive impact on people’s lives (including my own) and I’m here to help you get through this difficult time.
  • This chapter in life sucks. I’m here to do all I can to get you out of this so you can move on to the spectacular things you want to do in life.
  • Hey, I was thinking of you today – I just want to say how much you mean to me.
  • I’m so proud of you for taking on this burden. You have done so much to help others, but now it’s time for you to look after yourself.
  • How can I make this easier for you right now?
  • It hurts me to see you going through this heavy, difficult time. I love you and I want to make this go away.

words to comfort someone

  • Let go of the things in your life that don’t serve you.
  • Your emotions are valid. I will be here for you for whatever you need.
  • Even when life is hard, there are so many things to live for.
  • Don’t give up because there are so many people who love you, including me.
  • If you feel like you’re not doing enough, remind yourself that just getting out of bed is enough!
  • As your friend, I know that you are capable of anything.
  • If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, know that I’ll always be there!
  • Don’t let this difficult moment shake your faith.
  • No matter how low you feel, things will always get better!
  • I know you’re going through a difficult time, so just let me know how I can support you.
  • Time heals all wounds, so just be patient.
  • Know that I’m only one phone call away. You can call me anytime, day or night.
  • I can’t take away your pain, but I can bring ice cream and your favorite movie.
  • You can always talk to me about anything. Whatever it is, I’ll listen.
  • You are my best friend, and I’ll never betray you.
  • You are not alone. You have family and friends that care for you, and that includes me!
  • We’re all rooting for you. Wipe those tears and go out and conquer!
  • Don’t let the world dim your sparkle. Get up and make today count!

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