Have you ever considered presenting a voice show? What if you have this opportunity to spread your ideas to a wide audience? Now thanks to the diverse forms of digital content it is easy for anyone to become a presenter, and the door is open for everyone to disclose their creations. One of the most prominent forms of content that has recently become widespread is podcasts or podcasts, because they have multiple advantages that are not found in any other type of content. With simple steps you can now learn how to make a podcast to express and profit from your thoughts. Why not share your story and become a professional podcaster?

Basic tools for preparing a podcast

 1 Basic tools for preparing a podcast
Basic tools for preparing a podcast 1

Don’t worry about this technical aspect. It’s simpler than you can imagine, as many ordinary people have successfully launched their own podcasts without the need for costly programs or complex techniques.

  • Microphone
  • Sure, the microphone is one of the main equipment in the podcast industry, and the less sensitive the microphone to noise the higher the sound quality. The USB microphone is the best option for beginners due to its sound quality and reasonable cost compared to other microphones such as XLR, and can be connected directly to the computer.
  • If you intend to buy a microphone at $30-50, the best option for many podcast content makers is a Blue microphone.
  • It is also considered suitable for YouTube content makers and Gamers.
  • Headphone
  • The importance of the headset is that it allows you to hear audio recording in real time and adjust it when necessary for the best quality. In addition, if you are recording interviews remotely on your computer, make sure you and your guest are using the headset so that the microphone does not receive any sound from your device’s loudspeaker causing a disturbing resonance.
  • Editorial programmes
  • After completing the recording you will find that you need to edit content, improve audio quality, add music and ads, and fortunately there are many free and paid editing programs suitable for beginners and others to help you get the required quality, such as:
  • GarageBand in case you have your Apple Macbook
  • Audacityfilmora in case you are a Windows user
  • And if you’re looking for professional programs, you have to do programs.
  • adobe audition
  • Logic pro

But we recommend using easy programming is enough to modify and add sound effects

A quiet place

 2 A quiet place
A quiet place 2

I won’t tell you about the experience of audio recording at home in the family, especially if there are children. So if you can record in a private studio this will be a good option, and if there is no studio available it is fine you can still record in your home in a quiet and soundproof room with many curtains, carpets and other soft materials to help absorb the sound. Generally, avoid places where you can hear noise from doors or windows.

Podcast Industry Steps

If you are excited to start your podcast, follow the following steps to make it clear and take off in the world of podcasts successfully

  • Choice of idea
 3 Podcast Industry Steps
3 Podcast Industry Steps

The first step is always the hardest and most important, everything after that follows. The idea must be realistic and well received by listeners. Because of course you think of producing many episodes and even seasons will the idea allow you to do that or not? Consider several things that help you choose a realistic idea, including:

  1. Target
    Ask yourself what exactly you want from creating a podcast. Do you want to express your opinions or market your brand and make money? Are you a reference person in your field and want to share your experiences with people? Think about why you’re excited to start as the obvious goal helps you crystallize the idea and makes it easier for you to travel instead of being distracted and making the wrong decisions.
  2. Specialization Area
    Focus on subdivisions and not public areas, because specializing in a specific area gives you credibility as an expert in your field, you will be the first name to be notified to anyone when they nominate a podcast program in your field. The more specific a topic you’re talking about, the more interaction you will have in your channel and easily reach your target audience.
    For example, if you want to talk about nutrition, don’t create a nutrition podcast. You can tailor your podcast to a specific nutrition theme such as diabetes, so any diabetes patient looking for nutrition information will turn to your channel directly.
  3. Points of Excellence
    After determining the objective and specialization find similar programs in your same specialty to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, as well as know the audience’s appetite for this area.
    After reviewing similar programs, add your own touch that distinguishes you from the rest of the programs, think about your strengths that make you outperform your competitors and deliver valuable content to the public.
  4. Public Identification
    In order to attract the largest audience, your program must provide a solution to a problem or provide them with some fun and amusement. To produce valuable and relevant content, try to reach out to your audience to learn about their interests, fears, wishes, preferred communication platforms and problems facing them daily.
  • Podcast Name

The first thing the listener turns to is the name of the podcast, and remember that the name you choose will leave a strong impression on the audience either to arouse curiosity or make it indifferent. It is therefore essential that the name be attractive, reflective of the idea and easy to remember. A good example of podcast names expressing the idea, a podcast “Cup” is a talk show that discusses social and cultural issues. The name here communicates the idea of having discussions about these matters with your friend while sipping a cup of coffee. As for brand owners, it’s simpler than that, all you have to do is just put your brand name on.

  • Podcast format

The shape of the podcast depends on your personal goals and preferences, you can choose from many formats to present your idea, such as:

  • Individual podcast: One of the most popular podcasts, it is easily prepared and provided by only one person who is familiar with one of the areas
  • Bilateral podcasts: This kind of entertainment is predominantly presented by two friends or acquaintances who have common interests and exchange roles to share some stories and experiences in different subjects spontaneously
  • Interviews podcast: This type is the closest likeness to traditional talk shows where the podcaster hosts a new guest in each episode, asking him questions in his area of expertise
  • Educational podcast: aims to teach people about specific topics in different fields, and can include conversations between the host and experts in the field or interactive explanations and tools for listeners.
  • News podcast: Interested in covering news and events at the local and global level, provides analysis and interpretation of this news in an easy to understand and accessible way for listeners
  • Podcast Stories: Centred around storytelling and anecdotes, whether real or fictional. There is usually a host who tells the story, and sound effects and music are used to enhance the story’s effect.
  • Registration and amendment phase
 4 Podcast Industry Steps
4 Podcast Industry Steps

All previous steps are to prepare for this anticipated step. At this point people are divided into two types, including those who write a detailed text of everything that will play out in the episode before recording, and those who record the episode directly without having to write. One of the ways I prefer when presenting any long content is to write a draft that includes the main points of the topic to help me organize my ideas. In any case, writing the outline of the workshop will make it easier for you to present and organize the idea clearly, thus avoiding indiscriminacy and stumbling ideas without purpose.

Whether you’re Type I or Type II, you’ll probably need to make some adjustments to the registration. I know very well that the editing phase is a little stressful because you have to listen to the recording several times to modify or remove some unwanted parts. These modifications include the addition of advertising commas, intro music and the finale, as well as the elimination of disturbing sounds and jamming that affects sound purity.

  • Podcast Launch

Here we come to the birth moment of a new podcast! You may now be wondering how to post my webinars? There are two ways to make your episodes available to everyone:

The first way is to create a special website for podcasts via one of the free or paid tools, then then you can host links to download episodes or include them in your site so that others can listen to them easily.

The second way to use the podcast hosting service such as Anchor or BuzzsSprout and export the file as suggested by the hosting site.

Then download your podcast on various podcast platforms, such as:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcast
  • Spotify
  • iHeartRadio
  • Stitcher
  • TuneIn + Alexa

Podcasts will be available to everyone to listen to at any time.

  • Marketing

Once the podcast is uploaded online and posted on various apps, share content with as many people by sending direct links to your family and close friends, or creating a paid social media advertising campaign especially if you have a large fan base to help you spread quickly.

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How to earn from podcasts

After you can make a powerful and influential podcast, why not think about making money from something you love and create? To be honest with you you will not make much money at first, it can be considered a side source of income until you join the professional rank, and there are many ways to make profits through podcasts, such as:

  • Sponsoring declarations
  • I certainly heard on one occasion a podcaster reading a product ad in the breaks. It is similar to television and radio programmes, with some companies paying podcasters for advertising their product.
  • While ads are a relatively easy way to make profits, they require a large audience, because companies are looking for content that fits perfectly into their ads, and the company makes sure by knowing how many subscribers and getting some of their information. In the end, the company does not want to lose money in content that no one cares about.
  • Paid subscription
  • Podcasts are usually completely free, but to win from them, create additional paid episodes and ensure that their content is useful and exclusive, so that no one can listen to them except by subscribing to the premium membership. Patreon is one of the most popular platforms offering paid membership services, and at the end of the free podcast episode you can refer to Patreon’s membership of paid podcast marketing.
  • Commission Marketing
  • Brands may ask you to advertise their products in exchange for exclusive discount codes they offer to listeners for use in online payment, and with each payment using this code you will receive a small commission.

Similar to discount codes, you can also get a commission through the referral link, when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase you will get a small sales commission. You can join some popular networks like Amazon Associates, LTK and Skillshare that provide commission marketing.

9 tips to improve podcast quality

  1. You must be passionate about what you offer in order to be distinguished among your competitors, as well as because you will need to do many research and reading to produce episodes, it will be very stressful unless you choose a subject you love and care about.
  2. Produce 5-10 episodes before launching the podcast, which will relieve you of the pressure and you will have fixed the problems by the eighth or tenth episode, then post your first episode among people you know from the target audience to receive constructive feedback from them to improve the quality of content
  3. Learn the basics of SEO for your podcast and find relevant keywords in your field that people are looking for to attract target listeners
  4. Make your audience part of the program and share your minds of modifications or improvements, and give it the opportunity to participate in some suggestions regarding guests or upcoming episodes
  5. Respect your audience’s time by providing valuable information in a timely manner, depending on the nature of the program if it addresses quick information and advice or discusses a topic at length, and generally try to be 20-40 minutes long.
  6. Set a schedule of deployments per month, preferably posting an episode every week to improve communication between you and your audience, increase interaction and build a habit of producing content constantly.
  7. Study the guest who will solve you well before recording the episode, and attend smart non-traditional questions for distinctive answers not consumed in other similar programs
  8. Write a copy of the audio file and upload it to your site, this step will add great value to the podcast as it will help the hearing impaired enjoy the content as well as give you the opportunity to optimize the search engines and increase the opportunity to appear in search results expanding your audience
  9. Do not rush success or profit because a successful podcast needs some time to thrive, especially if you are a recent reign of the media world. Focus only on creating high-quality content and constantly growing with each new episode so that you prepare yourself for long-term success


Ultimately, creating a podcast is a fun and exciting challenge, and by employing the right strategies this challenge can be transformed into a good source of income. Make sure to deliver high value content and invest in good marketing to reach a large and interactive audience. Thus, anyone can start making a podcast and build a community of loyal listeners and turn it into a profitable business.

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